Burkina-Faso: Impersonation of the Head of State on social networks; perpetrators risk prosecution

The Communication and Press Relations Directorate of the Presidency of Faso has taken a firm stance against the recurrent attempts at scams by individuals impersonating  Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, the President of the transition on social media, claiming to act on his behalf.

In a statement dated Friday, May 17, 2024, the Communication and Press Relations Directorate of the Presidency of Faso announced that it has been repeatedly alerted to cases of identity theft involving the Head of State on social media platforms. The Directorate warns those engaging in this fraudulent activity.

«Captain Ibrahim Traoré does not have accounts on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube», reads the statement from the institution.

It further clarifies that «only a verified X account has been created and serves as his personal communication channel, in addition to the official channels of the Presidency of Faso».

The Presidency of Faso urges all Burkinabe and internet users to exercise increased vigilance.

Perpetrators of these acts face legal action, the Presidency of Faso warns. «The Presidency reserves the right to contact competent authorities and initiate legal proceedings against anyone who impersonates the Head of State or uses his personal data on social media», the statement concludes.