International Graffiti Festival: AES graffiti artists pay tribute to the FDS, heroes of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger

The second edition of the International Graffiti Festival in Burkina Faso, dedicated to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), aims to be revelatory and impactful in light of the current context in the country. Burkina Faso is in a period where unity around the transitional authorities and support for the combat forces form the strength of the transitional government, led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

Amidst the ongoing transition, the energy of the people is dedicated to supporting the transitional period.

The second act of the International graffiti festival, led by Ousmane Guigma, known as «Manoos», seeks to convey a message of «people’s support for the combat forces», in addition to the goal of introducing this art form to the population.

Through their brushes, graffiti artists from Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger paid a vibrant tribute to the defense and security forces of the three countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

On the walls of the ASECNA building, graffiti messages include FDS, FAMA (Malian Armed Forces), FAN (Nigerien Armed Forces), VDP (Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland), heroes of the nation, and more.

Christian Macaire Bayala from Mali shared his sentiment, stating, «During the first edition, I couldn’t make the trip because we were in an insecure situation. So, I promised myself that in the next edition, if I manage to cross the border safely, I would dedicate my works to FAMa, FDS, and VDP because if I am here at this edition, it’s primarily because I traveled in complete safety».

Isidore Salem