Burkina Faso: Minutes of the Council of Ministers of Wednesday, November 30, 2022, under the chairmanship of Captain Ibrahim TRAORE

The Council of Ministers was held in Ouagadougou, on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, in ordinary session, from 09:00 minutes to 14:00 minutes, under the chairmanship of His Excellency Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, President of the Transition, President of the Council of Ministers. It deliberated on its agenda, heard oral presentations, made appointments and authorized missions abroad.


The Council adopted a preliminary draft law on the depoliticization of the public administration and the strengthening of meritocracy.

This bill aims to reduce the negative influences of politics on the functioning of the public administration and to strengthen promotion through merit.

This depoliticization will make it possible to strengthen the neutrality of the public administration, in particular by prohibiting political and regionalist groupings in services, the proscription of political party cells in the services as well as favours and promotions without competence, based on political or regionalist affiliation.

The Government’s ambition is also to prevent the instrumentalization of religious, ethnic or regional factors for political or partisan purposes. This system prohibits ostentatious signs of political affiliation in the public administration.

The Council agreed to the transmission of the draft law to the Transitional Legislative Assembly.


The Council adopted three (03) reports.
The first report relates to three (03) decrees.
These are:

– the decree appointing Comptroller General of Police;
– The second report relates to the conclusion of a contract by the direct agreement procedure for the acquisition of clothing effects for the benefit of the National Fire Brigade.the decree appointing divisional police commissioners;
– the decree appointing chief superintendents of police

The adoption of these decrees allows the appointment of one (01) Comptroller General of Police, thirteen (13) Divisional Commissioners of Police and seventy-one (71) Chief Superintendents of Police, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Law No. 027-2018 / AN of 1 June 2018 on the status of the cadre of the National Police. The list of these appointments will be published in the Official Gazette of Burkina Faso.

The second report relates to the conclusion of a contract by the direct agreement procedure for the acquisition of clothing effects for the benefit of the National Fire Brigade.

The Council agreed to the award of the contract to the company YAMEOGO ISSAKA, for the acquisition of clothing effects for the benefit of the National Fire Brigade (BNSP), for an amount of six hundred and ninety-nine million nine hundred and fifty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty (699 954 760) F CFA TTC, with a delivery time of sixty (60) days.

The financing is provided by the State budget, fiscal year 2022 through the Treasury account “Emergency equipment”.

The third report relates to the conclusion of eleven (11) contracts through the accelerated restricted tender procedure for the acquisition of clothing effects and accessories for the benefit of the National Police and the National Fire Brigade.

The Council agreed to the award of contracts to the following companies:

Lot 1: WAKAT SONGO SARL, for the acquisition of fabrics and clothing effects for the benefit of the General Directorate of the National Police (DGPN), for an amount of four hundred and seventy-nine million six hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and thirty-six (479 611 636) F CFA TTC, with a delivery time of ninety (90) days;

Lot 2: CONSILIO CONSULTING BF SERVICES, for the manufacture of varous uniforms for non-commissioned officers for the benefit of the General Directorate of the National Police (DGPN), for an amount of twenty-eight million eight hundred and fifty-one thousand (28,851,000) F CFA TTC, with a delivery time of ninety (90) days;

LOT 3: SOCIETE ADAM’S SARL, for the acquisition of F1 outfits and accessories for the benefit of the General Directorate of the National Police (DGPN), the National Police Academy (ENP) and the Police Academy (AP), for an amount of two hundred and forty-five million five hundred and six thousand three hundred and sixteen (245 506 316) F CFA TTC, with a delivery time of ninety (90) days;

Lot 4: PHOENIX COMPANY, for the acquisition of colorful outfits for the benefit of the General Directorate of the National Police (DGPN) and the Police Academy (AP), for an amount of three hundred and twenty-three million seven hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred (323 750 700) F CFA TTC, with a delivery time of ninety (90) days;

Lot 5: SOFRAMA, for the acquisition of low shoes, articles and clothing effects for the Directorate General of the National Police (DGPN), the National Police Academy (ENP) and the Police Academy (AP), for an amount of two hundred and seventy-seven million four hundred and forty-two thousand and twenty-five (277,442,025) CFA francs (all taxes included), with a delivery period of ninety (90) days;

Lot 6: RIMZOURE SARL, for the purchase of shoes (rangers and pumps) for the Directorate General of the National Police (DGPN), the National Police School (ENP) and the Police Academy (AP), for an amount of four hundred and thirty-six million nine hundred and twenty thousand five hundred (436,920,500) CFA francs including tax, with a delivery period of ninety (90) days;

Lot 7: BF SERVICES SARL, for the purchase of berets and attributes for the Directorate General of the National Police (DGPN), in the amount of five hundred and ninety-seven million two hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred (597 251 100) CFA francs, including taxes, with a delivery period of ninety (90) days;

Lot 8: BMG SARL, for the acquisition of clothing and equipment for the benefit of the Volontaires adjoints de sécurité (VADS), for an amount of four hundred and sixty-three million three hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and fifty (463,365,350) CFA francs including tax, with a delivery period of ninety (90) days;

Lot 9: SALON DU SPORTIF, for the supply of sportswear for the benefit of the Volontaires adjoints de sécurité (VADS), for an amount of eighty-nine million five hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and sixty (89,511,260) CFA francs including tax, with a delivery period of ninety (90) days;

Lot 10: ETS YAMEOGO ISSAKA, for the purchase of ceremonial outfits for the National Police School (ENP) and the Police Academy (AP), in the amount of two hundred and sixty-eight million five hundred and ninety-nine thousand two hundred and seventy (268,599,270) CFA francs (including tax), with a delivery period of ninety (90) days;

Lot 11: ETS YAMEOGO ISSAKA, for the purchase of clothing for the National Fire Brigade (BNSP), for an amount of three hundred and seventy-seven million eight hundred and ninety-four thousand five hundred (367,894,500) CFA francs including tax, with a delivery period of ninety (90) days.

The total amount of the purchases is three billion five hundred and seventy-eight million seven hundred and three thousand six hundred and fifty-seven (3,578,703,657) CFA francs including tax.

The financing is ensured by the State budget, fiscal year 2022.


The Council adopted a report on the preparation of the State budget for the year 2023.

The preliminary draft State budget for the year 2023 amounts to CFAF 2 631.2 billion in revenue and CFAF 3 235.9 billion in expenditure, giving an overall budgetary balance of CFAF -604.6 billion, corresponding to -4.8% of nominal GDP against a community standard (WAEMU) of -3%.

Total budgetary revenue increased by CFAF 282.1 billion compared to the 2022 forecasts, i.e. a rate of 12.0%. In 2024 and 2025, total projected revenue is CFAF 2 626.1 billion and CFAF 2 723.3 billion respectively.

Budgetary expenditure, on the other hand, increases by 10.85% between 2022 and 2023, corresponding to an amount of CFAF 316.7 billion in absolute value. In 2024 and 2025, they would amount to CFAF 3 199.1 billion and CFAF 3 214.1 billion respectively.

The adjustments made consisted of taking into account the new configuration of the Government, reorienting certain expenditure towards security needs and making technical adjustments requested by ministries and institutions.


The Council adopted a report on the draft second periodic report due under the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

Burkina Faso ratified the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance on 3 December 2009. This Convention obliges States Parties to prevent acts of enforced disappearance and to fight effectively against impunity for the crime of enforced disappearance.

This report gives an account of the measures taken by Burkina Faso to implement the provisions of the said Convention as well as the recommendations resulting from the presentation of the initial report to the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED/C/2) in March 2016.

The assessment of the implementation of this Convention by our country shows significant progress. These include

  • the adoption of legislative and regulatory texts from 2016 to 2021 that strengthen the protection of all persons against disappearances;
  • the establishment of public institutions and structures from 2016 to 2021 whose functions contribute to the prevention and repression of human rights violations, including enforced disappearances
  • the adoption of a plan for the implementation of the recommendations and the results achieved;
  • the efforts made by the Government to give effect to the general and specific provisions of the Convention, in particular Articles 1 to 25.

The report also highlights the difficulties encountered in implementing the recommendations and provisions. These difficulties are linked to the security and humanitarian situation, social unrest, institutional instability and the health crisis.

The Council instructed the Minister in charge of the file to take the necessary steps to transmit this second periodic report to the Committee on Enforced Disappearances within the required timeframe.


II.1 The Minister of the Economy, Finance and Forecasting made a communication to the Council on the updating of the Transition Action Plan (TAP) and the strengthening of dialogue with development partners for its operationalisation.

The update of the TAP, a central instrument of the National Development Policy (NDP) 2021-2025, aims to take into account the new orientations of the Transition. This process also makes it possible to relaunch the dialogue with stakeholders, particularly technical and financial partners, on the conduct of the Transition’s priorities.

II.2 The Minister of Health and Public Hygiene made a communication to the Council on the commemoration of World AIDS Day on 1 December 2022.

[13:34, 01/12/2022] The she-wolf: The theme chosen by the United Nations General Assembly is: “Let’s push for equality”. In Burkina Faso, the official celebration of this day will take place in Gourcy, capital of the Zondoma province, Northern region.

II.3. The Minister of National Education, Literacy and Promotion of National Languages made two (02) presentations to the Council.

The first communication reviews the organisation of school and professional examinations and competitions for the 2022 session.

The various results obtained are as follows:

In the 2022 Primary School Certificate (CEP) examination, 256,477 candidates were admitted out of 405,947, i.e. a success rate of 63.18% compared to a rate of 59.34% in 2021.

In the examinations for the Brevet d’études professionnelles (BEP) and the certificat d’aptitude professionnelle (CAP) 2022, 14 437 candidates were admitted out of 20 909, i.e. a success rate of 69.05% compared to 63.39% in 2021.

In the 2022 examination for the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC), 103 186 candidates were admitted out of 249 553, i.e. a success rate of 41.35% compared to 27.74% in 2021.

For the 2022 Baccalaureate, out of 137 758 candidates, 56 635 were declared admitted, with a success rate of 41.11% compared to 39.88% in 2021.

The second communication relates to the implementation of Education in Emergency Situations (ESU) at the start of the 2022-2023 school year.

The Government has put in place a National Strategy for Education in Emergencies (SN-ESU 2019-2024) which has enabled the collection of data and the implementation of actions aimed at taking care of internally displaced pupils to ensure their right to education.

This strategy also integrates distance learning through radio and television, the profiling of 100,000 children for their return to school and the optimal use of educational infrastructure.

All of these measures aim to ensure educational continuity for internally displaced pupils.
The Council instructed the Minister in charge of the file to take the necessary measures in concert with education stakeholders to ensure the continued implementation of the National Strategy for Education in Emergencies in order to guarantee educational continuity for pupils in difficulty.

II.4. The Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment made a communication to the Council on the celebration of International Volunteer Day (IVD) for economic and social development on 5 December 2022.
This 2022 edition of IVD is placed under the theme: “Role and contribution of Volunteers to solidarity and development”. This celebration testifies to the constant commitment of the Government of Burkina Faso and the actors of volunteerism to promote the conscious, responsible and civic participation of young people in the development of the country.



  • Mr Abdoulaye SIDIBE, Mle 24 550 P, Divisional Police Commissioner, category 1, 3rd grade, 3rd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of the Boucle du Mouhoun;
  • Mr Marc DAKUYO, Mle 211 708 X, Police Commissioner, category 1, 3rd grade, 1st step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of Cascades;
  • Mr. Abdoulaye BELEM, Mle 211 703 B, Commissaire divisionnaire de police, category 1, 3rd grade, 2nd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of the Centre
  • Mr. Dagnidoma Alphonse YODA, Mle 217 558 C, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 3rd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of the Centre-East;
  • Mr. Oumar SOULAMA, Mle 24 453 H, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 3rd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of Centre-North;
  • Mr. Somgnougda Aimé Salvador BOUGMA, Mle 227 566 R, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 3rd echelon, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of the Centre-West;
  • Madame Minata KONATE/TRAORE, Mle 226 554 K, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 3rd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of Centre-South;
  • Mr Wendkouni Barthélemy YANOGO, Mle 111 487 C, Police Commissioner, category 1, 3rd grade, 2nd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of the East;
  • Mr Pierre Claver KONATE, Mle 227 565 E, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 3rd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of Hauts-Bassins;
  • Mr. Cébastien SAWADOGO, Mle 227 567 N, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd class, 3rd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of the North;
  • Madame Palingwendé Natacha Maryel SAWADOGO/ZOUNGRANA, Mle 239 811 W, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 2nd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of Plateau-Central;
  • Mr Namagna TRAORE, Mle 46 680 G, Police Commissioner, category 1, 2nd grade, 1st step, is appointed Regional Director of the Sahel National Police;
  • Mr Yacouba OUATTARA, Mle 29 064 T, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd class, 3rd step, is appointed Regional Director of the National Police of the South-West;
  • Mr. Maneguedebketa Fidèle BOGORE, Mle 245 873 Z, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 2nd step, is appointed Provincial Director of the Banwa National Police;
  • Mr. Yempabou Ibrahim LOMPO, Mle 239 824 R, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 1st step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Bazèga;
  • Mr. Souleymane BIKIEGA, Mle 245 868 J, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 2nd step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Ganzourgou;
  • Mr Arnaud Léandre SANOU, Mle 283 358 N, Police Commissioner, category 1, 1st grade, 4th step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Namentenga;
  • Mr. Soumaïla TRAORE, Mle 102 429 M, Senior Police Commissioner, category 1, 2nd grade, 2nd step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Komondjari;
  • Mr Wendlanam Moïse KABORE, Mle 283 352 E, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 1st step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Kossi;
  • Mr. Rayangnéwendé KABRE, Mle 101 495 R, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 1st grade, 5th step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Noumbiel;
  • Mr. Maouibadan Patrice NEBIE, Mle 283 354 G, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 2nd grade, 1st step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Oudalan;
  • Mr. Bonaventure DEMBELE, Mle 46 703 F, Commissaire principal de police, category 1, 3rd grade, 1st step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Tapoa
  • Mr. Yomboué Norbert BAYALA, Mle 217 596 J, Police Commissioner, category 1, 1st grade, 3rd step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Tuy
  • Mr. Constant RAMDE, Mle 111 441 H, Police Commissioner, category 1, 2nd class, 2nd step, is appointed Provincial Director of the National Police of Ziro.
  • Mr. Boureima DAO, Mle 32 091 N, Tax Inspector, 1st class, 10th step, is appointed Head of the Department of Investigations and the Fight against Corruption within the General Inspectorate of Finance;
  • Mrs. Irène KABRE/BOUGOUMA, Mle 54 643 G, Administrator of financial services, 1st class, 12th echelon, is appointed Secretary General of the National School of Financial Services (ENAREF);
  • Mr Mohamed Bassirou YANOGO, Mle 94 475 B, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 9th step, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the Prime Minister’s Office;
  • Mr Jean-Baptiste SAWADOGO, Mle 119 332 L, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 6th step, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Security;
  • Mr Yembila Fulgence ZABSONRE, Mle 58 688 S, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 6th step, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the Ministry of Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, National Reconciliation, Gender and Family;
  • Mr Patrice OUIBGA, Mle 46,240 D, Administrator of Financial Services, 1st class, 6th echelon, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the Ministry of Industrial Development, Trade, Handicrafts and Small and Medium Enterprises;
  • Mr Moussa KADIO, Mle 51 193 W, Administrator of financial services, 1st class, 6th echelon, is appointed Director of control of public contracts and financial commitments of the Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism;
  • Mr Tabouwé Jean BADOUN, Mle 225 075 B, Administrator of Financial Services, 1st class, 5th step, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the General Secretariat of the Government and the Council of Ministers
  • Mrs Fatimata MAIGA, Mle 225 096 U, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 2nd step, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the Charles de Gaulle University Hospital Centre;
  • Mrs Sassamé SOULAMA, Mle 245 200 U, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 5th step, is appointed Director of control of public contracts and financial commitments of the National Blood Transfusion Centre;
  • Mr Thimoté DAKUYO, Mle 49 065 E, Administrator of financial services, 1st class, 9th step, is appointed Technical Inspector of the control of public contracts and financial commitments
  • Mr Seydou GUIRE, Mle 96 924, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 10th step, is appointed Director of the control of administrative acts;
  • Mr Touwonianouhon MEDA, Mle 104 301 N, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 7th step, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the National Agency for Environmental Assessment;
  • Madam Alima DIABO/CONGO, Mle 32 013 W, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 8th step, is appointed Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of the National School of Financial Control;
  • Mrs Thianhor Ingrid Marie-Reine SOME,
  • [15:29, 01/12/2022] The she-wolf: Mr Yaya SOURABIE, Mle 246 840 N, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 4th step, is appointed Provincial Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of Sanguié
  • Mr Yaya SOURABIE, Mle 246 840 N, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 2nd step, is appointed Provincial Director of the control of public contracts and financial commitments of Sanguié;
  • Mr Nièwiè Bertin SOME, Mle 37 255 Z, Tax Inspector, 1st grade, 11th step, is appointed Regional Director of Taxes of the Boucle du Mouhoun;
  • Mr N’golo Brahima OUATTARA, Mle 34 826 H, Tax Inspector, 1st grade, 17th step, is appointed Regional Director of Taxes of Cascades;
  • Mr. Baorimsom Félix NABALOUM, Mle 109 413 X, Police Commissioner, category 1, 1st class, 3rd step, is appointed Principal Accountant of the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Security
  • Mr Ababéribayouni TINAGUIAN, Mle 96 932 N, Treasury Inspector, 1st class, 9th step, is appointed Principal Accountant of the Ministry of Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, National Reconciliation, Gender and Family;
  • Mr Arzouma Médard ZOURE, Mle 112 462 K, Administrator of Financial Services, 1st class, 6th echelon, is appointed Principal Accountant of materials of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries
  • Mrs Mamounata OUEDRAOGO/OUEDRAOGO, Mle 58 576 K, Inspector of the Treasury, 1st class, 4th step, is appointed Principal Accountant of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Sanitation;
  • Mr Etienne KARAMBIRI, Mle 257 141 C, Administrator of Financial Services, 1st class, 4th step, is appointed Principal Accountant of the Ministry of Urbanism, Land Affairs and Housing
  • Mr Emmanuel SONDO, Mle 272 794 X, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 3rd step, is appointed Principal Accountant of the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Employment
  • Mr Bannizouna DABIRE, Mle 324 586 G, Conseiller d’intendance scolaire et universitaire, 1st class, 4th echelon, is appointed Principal accountant of matters of the Court of Auditors;
  • Mr. Lohé Seydou COULIBALY, Mle 112 404 X, Comptroller of Financial Services, 1st class, 7th step, is appointed Principal Accountant of the Mediator of Faso.
  • Mrs. Aminata NANA/BOUNDAONE, Mle 58 195 L, Administrator of Hospitals and Health Services, 1st class, 12th echelon, is appointed Chargée de missions;
  • Mr Rawéléguinbasba Armel Flavien KABORE, Mle 97 463 P, University Hospital Professor in anaesthesia and intensive care, category P1, initial grade, 2nd step, is appointed Director General of the Emergency Medical Service (SAMU);
  • Mr Lévi SAWADOGO, Mle 225 035 V, Inspector of the Treasury, 1st class, 6th echelon, is appointed Technical Inspector of the services;
  • Mr Kiougou BAMOGO, Mle 28 423 W, Health Economist, 1st class, 15th echelon, is appointed Head of missions, replacing Mr Olivier SOSSA;
  • Mr Constant DAHOUROU, Mle 58 198 J, Administrator of Hospitals and Health Services, 1st class, 13th echelon, is appointed Director of Public Health Training.
  • Monsieur Boubacar Sidiki Babile SEYE, Mle 913 B (SOFITEX), Ingénieur des sciences appliquées, C4, 9ème échelon, est nommé Directeur général de la Société des fibres textiles (SOFITEX).
  • Mr Yaya SANKARA, Mle 279 335 Y, Civil Administrator, 1st class, 4th echelon, is appointed Director of Cabinet;
  • Mr. Aboubacar SAWADOGO, Mle 119 330 X, Financial Services Administrator, 1st class, 8th echelon, is appointed Director General of the National Gold Anti-Fraud Brigade (BNAF).
  • Mr. Souleymane COULIBALY, Mle 52 276 R, Inspector of Secondary Education, category PB, grade 1, 17th step, is appointed Director of Cabinet.
  • Mr Roger Honorat Charles NEBIE, Mle 46 544 W, Teacher-researcher, is appointed Director of Cabinet;
  • Mr Samuel PARE, Mle 110 909 A, Full Professor, category P1, 3rd step, is appointed Secretary General.
  • Ministry in charge of communication

Miss OLY