Burkina Faso: large terrorist Base burnt to the ground in Kangloré, several terrorists neutralized

In the face of the ruthless strategy put in place by Ibrahim Traoré, the terrorists are increasingly being hunted down, even in their most remote hideouts.

In recent hours, the fighting forces have put pressure on the terrorists who attacked a VDP position at Kangloré, near Ouargaye.

Having eliminated a dozen criminals, the day before, the airborne vehicles continued their patrol until they discovered a large terrorist base with hundreds of terrorists on foot and motorbikes.

Quickly and without hesitation, the vectors opened fire, bombing the area and burning several criminals and their logistics to the ground.

The survivors took advantage of a brief lull to crowd under a large tree. Once they had gathered in large numbers, a missile appeared from the sky and headed straight for them, killing them all.

The criminals who fled in their vehicles unfortunately didn’t get far. They were struck by lightning along the way.

In the stampede through the tall grass in the forest, a group of five survivors were apprehended by ground troops who had come to comb the area.

Dozens of motorbikes and weapons were recovered by the fighting forces. The rest of the logistics and drugs found were burnt on site.

The fighting forces are no longer resting. Armed with courage and determination to reconquer the territory, they are continuing to hunt down the terrorists on several fronts, in order to guarantee total security for the population.

Nicky Bonsafo