Mali: COMADE Officials address the Press

The Malian Coalition for Children’s Rights (COMADE) held a press conference on October 14th, 2023, in Bamako, to commemorate the International Day of the Girl child (October 11) and raise awareness about the protection of girls’ rights in Mali.

COMADE officials highlighted the shortcomings in upholding girls’ rights, particularly in the areas of education, health, nutrition, birth registration, decent employment, protection against gender-based violence, and safety in their communities.

According to data from the National Center for Documentation and Information on Women and Children (CNDIFE), cases of legal conflicts, rape, physical and sexual assaults, psychological violence, child marriages, and other abuses against girls were reported in 2020 and 2021.

However, progress has been made, with girls with disabilities being enrolled in school, placed in care centers, professionally reintegrated, provided with literacy programs, and benefiting from project funding.

COMADE commended the efforts of the government and partners in improving the lives of girls in difficult situations.

They called for increased mobilization to protect girls’ rights, especially through successful education.

 COMADE officials recommended that any actions taken in the rebuilding of Mali consider both the advancements and shortcomings in girls’ rights and prioritize the protection of girls from abuse.

Other participants also emphasized the importance of safeguarding girls’ rights in Mali.

Neil Camara