Burkina Faso: «There can be no elections if there is no territorial security» stresses Prime Minister Kyélèm de Tambèla

On Tuesday 3 October 2023, the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, Dr Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla, granted an audience in Ouagadougou to a delegation of European diplomats led by the European Union Special Representative for the Sahel, Emmanuela C. Del Re. This high-level meeting provided an opportunity to review the various areas of cooperation between the European Union and Burkina Faso.

During the discussions, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of harmonious cooperation between Burkina Faso and the European Union.

He did, however, mention the strained relations with France, expressing reservations about its persistent attitude of regarding Burkina Faso as a colony.

«We have always had good relations with the European Union, unlike France. We did not have good relations with France because we were colonised by it and it still considers us to be its colony. It thinks it should always act as if we were still its colonies. We refuse to accept that. It is now up to us to define our vision. France constantly wants to keep us under its domination, and because we refuse this, the French government does not hesitate to use international institutions to obstruct all projects in favour of Burkina Faso. If it does not change, our relations will deteriorate, because we are here to guarantee our full sovereignty and build our country», he stressed.

The Prime Minister also commented on the haste to organise elections in a context of institutional fragility.

 He spoke of the need to lay solid foundations for institutional stability before rushing into elections that could be vulnerable to coups d’état.

«There can be no elections if there is no territorial security», he said, stressing the priority of guaranteeing the free movement of people and candidates before considering elections.

The Prime Minister also called for a new Constitution, reflecting the history, culture and aspirations of Burkina Faso, in order to strengthen the rebuilding of Burkina Faso society.

On leaving the audience, Emmanuela C. Del Re, the European Union’s Special Representative for the Sahel, expressed the wish for close collaboration between Burkina Faso and the European Union on crucial issues such as security, development cooperation and humanitarian aid.

Maiga DAO.