Burkina Faso/Coup d’Etat rumours: The power of the people, protected by the people

Thousands of people mobilised on the night of Tuesday 26 September 2023 at the United Nations roundabout to protect and support their authorities, in particular Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, President of the Transition in Burkina Faso. According to reports in the national media, this spontaneous mobilisation followed rumours on social networks about a coup in the making.

The demonstrators reportedly spent the night at this location, close to the residence of President Ibrahim TRAORE, to watch over him.

Since the MPSR came to power on October 2nd, 2022, it has been working hard to fight terrorism, bad governance and poverty, to reclaim the territory and protect the population, with a solid action plan.

Since then, its enemies have set out to destabilise this transition. The military regime has on several occasions denounced vague acts aimed at destabilising power, and even coup attempts have been reported.

After hearing these rumours, the population had only one reflex: to go and protect those they considered to be the saviours of their country.

From the outset, the MPSR, led by Captain TRAORE, has had only one reason for existence: to defend the territory of Burkina Faso and its people, come what may. The transition therefore needs the support of the people it serves in order to move forward.

According to reports, all the main thoroughfares in the capital have also been taken by storm by demonstrators, and even in other towns in the country such as Bobo-Dioulasso, Yako and Kaya, to counter those detractors who will try to strike a blow against the transition.

Maurice ZONGO