Mali: Independence day cancelled

In Mali, junta leader Assimi Goïta, has decided to cancel the celebration of Independence Day on September 22th, the Council of Ministers announced on Wednesday evening. Instead, the celebrations will be sober and patriotic.

This important decision comes in the wake of a series of attacks, notably the bombing of the Timbuktu boat, and the assaults on the camps in the towns of Bamba Gao and Bourem on 7, 8 and 12 September 2023 respectively.

The President of the transition ordered the government to allocate the funds earmarked for these festivities to help the victims and their families.

He then expressed his deep bitterness at the losses caused by these macabre acts.

The north of Mali has recently seen a resumption of hostilities between the Malian armed forces (Fama) and former Tuareg-dominated rebel groups.

When will peace return to the Sahel? Africa’s sub-regional communities need to address this issue effectively.

What are they doing while citizens are being executed for no reason at all? Africa is tired of mourning its sons and daughters.

It is high time that all these sub-regional communities assumed their responsibilities.

The creation of a great African army against terrorism is possible, because in union we are stronger than the enemy.

Neil Camara