Burkina Faso/Under the control of local henchmen: Revelation of the plot to destabilise through CSO bias

Monday September, 4th 2023 will forever be etched in the memory of Burkina Faso, as 36 Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (VDP) and 17 soldiers tragically lost their lives during intense fighting in Koumbri, in the Yatenga region in the north of the country. These heart-rending events bear witness to the relentless fight being waged by Burkina Faso’s fighting forces against terrorism.

The circumstances of this terrorist attack highlight a disturbing reality. Local henchmen continue to seek ways to destabilise the country.

One of their strategies is to use certain civil society organisations to spread disinformation and propaganda, in particular by amplifying the tragic outcome of these events in order to demoralise the fighting forces and destabilise the government of Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

However, in these times of war and relentless fight against terrorism, it is crucial to keep in perspective the sacrifices made by Burkinabe soldiers and VDPs to protect their country.

The tragic losses must not shake the determination of the people of Burkina Faso or weaken the fighting forces ‘commitment to putting an end to the scourge of terrorism, which has already claimed too many victims.

The people of Burkina Faso must remain united and mobilised to support the fighting forces, led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, in their difficult mission.

The people of Burkina Faso must remember that every life lost in this fight is a tragedy, but that the fight against terrorism is a necessity to guarantee the security and stability of the country.

 The heroes who have sacrificed their lives deserve our eternal respect and gratitude, and the best way to pay tribute to them is to maintain the morale of the fighting forces at the highest level.

The solidarity and resilience of the people of Burkina Faso are the most powerful weapons against terrorism.

By remaining united and determined, the people of Burkina Faso will continue to make progress towards a final victory that will put an end to terrorism on Burkina Faso soil.

Neil Camara