Burkina Faso: Strengthening Cooperation with Russia: Burkinabe Authorities Invited to the St. Petersburg    Summit

 Commited to strengthening cooperation with Russia, Burkina Faso has received an invitation to participate in the Russia-Africa Summit. This invitation was extended during an audience granted by Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambèla to a delegation of Russian parliamentarians, where cooperation between Burkina Faso and Russia was discussed.

During the visit on Friday, July 14, 2023, the delegation of State Duma deputies held discussions with the head of government on cooperation between Russia and the “Land of the Upright People,” particularly in areas where both parties could intervene to strengthen their cooperation.

«We exchanged many ideas on cooperation and strengthening relations between Burkina Faso and Russia. We discussed various sectors, including education, culture, and the economy», said Natalia Krasovskaya, Advisor to the Vice President of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, after the audience.

The parliamentarians took the opportunity of this audience to invite Burkinabe authorities to participate in the Russia-Africa Summit, scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg from July 27-28, 2023.

According to Natalia Krasovskaya Burkina Faso’s participation in the St. Petersburg summit will be an opportunity to expand bilateral cooperation into several other areas.

«As I represent the State Duma of the Russian Federation, I can say that we are planning truly active and productive cooperation between our countries», hinted the Advisor to the Vice President of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The head of the delegation also announced the organization, in the coming months, of an exhibition showcasing African art and heritage in Moscow through an African Cinema Festival. This is proof of the importance that the Russian Federation attaches to African countries, particularly Burkina Faso.

«We are planning many other events, such as exhibitions of African craftsmanship and conferences to highlight African culture», she affirmed.

On his part, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to his hosts for the long-standing interest shown in Burkina Faso.

« In December 2022, I was in Moscow to strengthen our relations. It was to demonstrate the interest we have in Russia», he stated, recalling that before the dissolution of the USSR, Ouagadougou had the Soviet Cultural Center (CCS) and the Aeroflot airline that served Ouaga-Russia.

«We want to strengthen our relations even more than before. In today’s world, no country can ignore Russia because it is a major power that one can like or dislike, but one cannot ignore Russia. We have chosen to strengthen our relations with progressive states. That is why I went to Russia, Venezuela. I am preparing to go to Nicaragua, and soon I will go to Iran», continued Mr. de Tambèla.

The Prime Minister expressed his desire for a deepening of relations with Russia, particularly in the field of higher education, with student exchanges and strengthened cultural cooperation, among other areas.

«The country lacks infrastructure, and everything needs to be rebuilt. We produce phosphate, and Russia could help us transform it into fertilizer. We produce gold, livestock, cotton, and sesame. We have a railway construction project, and we are awaiting Russia’s contribution in this field. Therefore, there is potential for a win-win partnership with Russia», he declared.

Pedro Okalamar