Mali: What you need to know about the withdrawal of MINUSMA

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2690 on Friday, which terminates the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) as of July 1, following a request from the Malian transitional authorities on June 16. This resolution acted the withdrawal of MINUSMA.

The peacekeeping troops, known as the Blue Helmets, will cease their activities in Mali and must leave the country « by December 31, 2023».

Ambassador Issa Konfourou, Permanent Representative of Mali to the UN, stated before the Security Council that « the government of the Republic of Mali takes note of Resolution 2690 that you have just adopted, which terminates the mandate of MINUSMA as of June 30, 2023».

On June 16, 2023, Bamako had requested, through its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdoulaye Diop, the «immediate withdrawal» of MINUSMA, the UN mission in the country.

According to Diop, «MINUSMA seems to become part of the problem by fueling intercommunal tensions exacerbated by extremely serious allegations that are highly detrimental to peace reconciliation, and national cohesion. This situation generates a sense of mistrust among the Malian population towards MINUSMA and a crisis of confidence between the Malian authorities and the UN peace mission».

«While acknowledging that MINUSMA has certainly not achieved its fundamental objective of supporting the government’s efforts to secure the country, the Malian people and government nevertheless appreciate its contribution in other areas, particularly in terms of humanitarian assistance, social support, and the good offices missions of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative», Ambassador Issa Konfourou declared before the Security Council.

«The Government of Mali notes that, as per the resolution adopted today, the process of MINUSMA’s withdrawal will commence on July 1 and conclude on December 31, 2023», added the Malian diplomat, emphasizing that Bamako is committed to closely cooperating with the UN Secretariat and MINUSMA in the the diligent implementation of this resolution within the specified timeframe.

As a reminder, MINUSMA was established on April 25, 2013, by Security Council Resolution 2100 with the objective of supporting the political process in this West African country and carrying out a number of security-related tasks.

Pedro Okalamar